Vision & Objectives

APNNIC is the official network of national information centres in the Asia-Pacific region concerning higher education. In line with the Tokyo Convention and international best practices, the network promotes fairness and transparency, which are necessary for high-quality recognition decisions to enable physical and virtual mobility.
APNNIC aims to serve as the Asia-Pacific region’s portal for authoritative information on qualifications recognition. APNNIC members agree to:
- Take adequate measures for the development and maintenance of a National Information Centre that will provide higher education information (Article VIII.3).
- Establish a network of National Information Centres on academic mobility and recognition that shall uphold and assist the practical implementation of this Convention by the competent recognition authorities (Article IX.3.1).
- Appoint a member of their National Information Centre to the network (Article IX.3.2) which will adopt rules and procedures of the APNNIC.
- To the extent possible, meet annually in plenary session (Article IX.3.3) held in conjunction with ordinary sessions of the Tokyo Convention Committee (Rules of Procedure 3.3).
- Collect relevant information from the Parties relating to academic recognition and mobility (Article IX.3.5).
The Brief history
The Regional Convention on the Recognition of Studies, Diplomas, and Degrees in Higher Education in Asia and the Pacific
The 1983 Convention on the Recognition of Studies, Diplomas, and Degrees in Higher Education in Asia and the Pacific was implemented on October 23, 1985
China (1984), Australia (1985), Sri Lanka (1986), Turkey (1986), the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (1989), the Republic of Korea (1989), Nepal (1989), Maldives (1990), the Russian Federation (1990), Mongolia (1991), Tajikistan (1993), Armenia (1993), Azerbaijan (1995), the Holy See (1995), Kyrgyzstan (1996), Turkmenistan (1997), Kazakhstan (1997), India (2000), Lao PDR, the Philippines (2003), and Indonesia (2008) ratified the 1983 Convention on the Recognition of Studies, Diplomas, and Degrees in Higher Education in Asia and the Pacific.
The UNESCO proposed to revise the 1983 Regional Convention of Studies, Diplomas, and Degrees in Higher Education in Asia and the Pacific during the Eighth Regional Committee Meeting held in Kunming, China
A working group was established to oversee the revision of the Revised Regional Convention.
The revised regional convention or its replacement entitled, “Asia-Pacific Regional Convention on the Recognition of Qualifications in Higher Education,” was signed on November 26, 2011 in Tokyo, Japan.