Qualifications System
Implemented these activities regarding NQF
- Millennium challenge corporation NQF mongolia project – 2011
- Support to Mongolia`s Technical and Vocational Education and Training Sector /European Union/ – 2014
- ADB- higher education reform project – 2015
- 10 level NQF
- 8/10 level NQF
Final Mongolia’s NQF
Things to do Mongolian NQF:
- The Ministry of Education, Culture, Science, and Sports and Ministry of Labour and Social Protection should assess and review the draft of Mongolian NQF and approve it.
- In order to implement Mongolian NQF, the working group which includes representatives from the Ministry of Education, Culture, Science, and Sports and Ministry of Labour and Social Protection set up. Then the working group makes the action plan and budget to Government expenses.
- Need to make Reference Report which is a main document for NQF