The National Information Centre – Russian ENIC
also represents Main State Center for Education Evaluation ensures the authority of the Federal Service for Supervision in the Sphere of Education and Science (Rosobrnadzor) on recognition of foreign education on the territory of the Russian Federation. It has experience in recognition issues of 24years.
Nowadays the National Information Centre is actively involved in international activities of the ENIC-NARIC network, Asian network of national information centers, Groningen Declaration Network, and other platforms, taking part in the discussions, meetings, surveys, publications, comparative studies, and other research activities. Russian ENIC is carrying out its work in recognition through online services entirely, has an electronic database of all issued certificates since 2012, actively implements automatic recognition tools, and participates in the development of international agreements on mutual recognition of education. Throughout its existence, the Russian ENIC has actively used current resources to maintain and strengthen cooperation and collaboration with national stakeholders as well as with representatives from other ENIC/ NARIC Centers. Participation of Russian ENIC in this project will be a good opportunity to exchange experience, find and use new mechanisms and methods for developing cooperation with stakeholders in a new practical plane.