The general policy in the sphere of recognition is developed by the Ministry of Education and Science. The Federal Service for Supervision in Education and Science (Rosobrnadzor) is its agency responsible for recognition procedures throughout the country. “Glavexpertcenter” as a subordinate organization of Rosobrnadzor technically implements this function: provides information support and credentials evaluation, but Rosobrnadzor is empowered to take a final decision on recognition of qualifications/degrees both in academic and professional purposes except for research/scientific degrees.
The procedure of foreign education recognition
The foreign education and (or) qualifications recognition in the Russian Federation means the official confirmation of importance (level) acquired abroad education and (or) qualifications with granting academic, professional, and (or) other rights to the owners. The decision on recognition is taken by Federal Service for Supervision in the Sphere of Education and Science (in abbreviated form – Rosobrnadzor).
The links for detailed information on the procedure of foreign education recognition:
https://nic.gov.ru/ru/proc/nic (Russian language),
https://nic.gov.ru/en/proc/nic (English language)