Mobility of higher education students, institutions and programmes
Internationalization is one of the core features of the strategic plan of the Council of Higher Education (CoHE). The CoHE believes that internationalization in higher education is an investment for the future and requires a sustainable commitment to the students, academic staff and institutional partners. The CoHE’s purpose is to develop and enhance joint/dual degree programmes between institutions in Turkey and from all over the world. Joint education and training programmes can be established in all levels (associate, undergraduate and graduate) by signing a protocol between the Parties. The CoHE highly encourages universities to embrace and learn from cultural diversity and embed cross-institutional internationalization. The first initiative taken by the CoHE was the Regulation on Joint Education and Training Programmes between Turkish and International Higher Education Institutions, dated 28 December, 2006. A new Regulation on Joint Education and Training Programmes Between Higher Education Institutions and International Higher Education Institutions was enacted on 6 October, 2016. It introduced faster and more practical procedures for universities to receive their approved protocols from the CoHE. A total of 227 joint degree programmes have been approved by the CoHE.

Trends(Total Number of International Students (2018–2019)