NIAD-QE held University Quality Assurance Forum 2023
The National Institution for Academic Degrees and Quality Enhancement of Higher Education (NIAD-QE)—Parent organization of NIC-Japan—held University Quality Assurance Forum 2023 entitled “Data Science of Higher Education: Toward the Construction and Promotion of Data Infrastructure” on September 26, 2023, and about 440 participants joined virtually from across Japan and abroad.
Dr. Christopher A. Cody, Principal Researcher/IPEDS Project Director at American Institutes for Research (AIR), Dr. Roman Ruiz, Senior Researcher/IPEDS Deputy Project Director at AIR, and Mr. Dan Cook, Deputy Director of Data and Innovation at HESA (part of Jisc), UK gave keynote presentations and shared their expertise on working with data infrastructure and quality management.
Experts from Japan joined the panel session and presented the current status and the challenges on constructing higher education information infrastructure in Japan. During the discussion, the speakers exchanged their perspectives sharing more detailed operation procedures of data quality management from each of their countries.
Panel Discussion
More information on the forum, presentation materials, and recordings are available here.