New Zealand
Mobility of higher education students

International mobility
New Zealand attracts a wide range of international students, particularly from the Asia-Pacific region, due to its inquiry-style education delivery that enables critical and creative thought, working collaboratively, and a balance of academic and practical skills relevant to their future careers. New Zealand is ranked among the best three countries in the world for preparing students for the future according to a 2018 report by the Economist Intelligence Unit.
Inbound mobility
Inbound international education benefits New Zealand by enabling New Zealanders to live and learn alongside people from many cultures. It is an important contributor to New Zealand’s economy through its positive impact on tourism, regional growth, trade, diplomacy, as well as academic collaborations and innovation.
In 2019 there were a total of 104,620 international fee-paying students enrolled in primary, secondary and tertiary education, which comprised:
- 22,895 at primary or secondary schools
- 28,150 at universities
- 18,090 at polytechnics (now subsidiaries of NZIST)
- 10,065 at government funded PTEs
- 25,420 at non-government funded PTEs
Offshore delivery
Increasing numbers of international students are choosing to study New Zealand qualifications offshore, either directly online or in collaboration with providers in their home countries. To deliver New Zealand qualifications offshore tertiary education providers must apply to NZQA, or UNZ in the case of universities, for approval under the NZQA Offshore Delivery Rules. The NZQA Offshore Delivery Rules ensure any qualifications delivered offshore meet the same quality assurance requirements as qualifications delivered onshore.
Outbound mobility
In 2017, 6.4 per cent (4,767) of New Zealand university students undertook a period of overseas study. This is in line with the International Education Strategy goal for developing global citizens, providing opportunities for all students to making global connections through their studies.
Key source international education markets for inbound mobility
Between 2010 and 2015, the key source markets for international education in New Zealand changed. In 2010, three main source markets (China, India and Korea) made up 48 per cent of international student enrolments. In 2015 China and India made up 50 per cent of enrolments.
International student trends
The Ministry of Education’s Education Counts website offers statistical information about international education indicating trends over time.
- Overall international trends from 2003 to 2019 showed a steady increase in the numbers of international students studying in the schooling, secondary and tertiary education sectors.
- There was a small decline in international students’ numbers between 2007 – 2009 as the global financial crisis impacted student mobility decisions.
- Numbers of international fee-paying students in institutes of technology and polytechnics (now NZIST| Te Pūkenga subsidiaries) have shown the greatest growth from 13,190 in 2003 to 18,090 in 2019; international student numbers have increased by 4,900 over 16 years.
- Non-government funded private training establishments have experienced declining fee-paying international student numbers from 50,065 in 2003 to 25,420 in 2019, a reduction of 24,635 students.
- In 2019 there were 28,150 international students enrolled in universities. The year 2018 Universities New Zealand statistics show 42 per cent of international students in universities were enrolled in postgraduate qualifications and 16 per cent were studying at PhD level.
- From 2003 onwards fee-paying international student numbers have largely remained steady across the education sector.
For more information see Universities New Zealand Key Facts and Stats November 2018.
NZQA Codes of Care for International and Domestic Students
NZQA is responsible for the administration of two Codes that address the pastoral care of both domestic and international students in higher education.
The Education (Pastoral Care of Domestic Tertiary Students) Interim Code of Practice 2019
This Code sets out the duty of pastoral care that all tertiary providers must have for domestic tertiary students and requirements for providers offering student accommodation.
The Education (Pastoral Care of Domestic Tertiary Students Interim Code of Practice 2019
The Code sets minimum standards of advice and care expected of Higher Education Institutions and schools with international students.
Immigration New Zealand, as a function of the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment, sets the immigration policy for inbound international students.
Mobility projects/initiatives
The International Education Strategy for New Zealand 2018 – 2030
The International Education Strategy for New Zealand 2018 – 2030 aims to create an environment where international education can thrive and offer socio-cultural and economic benefits for all New Zealand. It builds on New Zealand’s quality education system and focuses on delivering education outcomes for international students and cultivating global opportunities for domestic students and education institutions. The strategy has three overarching goals:
- delivering an excellent education and student experience
- achieving sustainable growth
- developing global citizens
Under goal three, developing global citizens, success will be actioned by:
- Developing an outbound mobility strategy including a review of student scholarships and exchanges
- Helping students to develop global competencies through delivery of national curricula
- Monitoring the effectiveness of the Centres for Asia-Pacific Excellence
- Providing leadership to the sector to enhance the international education experience
- Enhancing connections and learning with Pacific education systems to create education opportunities with Pacific Nations students in the region and in New Zealand
The Strategy is underpinned by the International Student Wellbeing Strategy and a commitment to maintaining the integrity of New Zealand’s immigration system.