New Zealand
NZQA as the National Education Information Centre and International Recognition Agreements
The NZQA is the National Education Information Centre (NEIC) for New Zealand, providing information and advice on the New Zealand education system, secondary and tertiary qualifications and recognition of overseas qualifications.
The NZQF, administered by NZQA, is the definitive source for accurate information about all quality assured qualifications covering senior secondary school and tertiary education qualifications. All non-university qualification developers must apply to NZQA to list a qualification on the NZQF. Universities apply to Universities New Zealand to list a qualification on the NZQF.
Qualifications listed on the NZQF are underpinned by mandatory quality assurance processes.
Recognition of overseas qualifications: Under the Education and Training Act 2020, NZQA’s functions include recognition of overseas educational and vocational qualifications. Qualifications recognition is where overseas qualifications are evaluated against the levels and credits of the NZQF. This process enables people to have overseas qualifications recognized in New Zealand for reasons including employment, professional registration, admission to higher education and immigration.
Recognizing qualifications held by refugees and displaced people: NZQA uses systems which support refugees to have their qualifications and other learning evaluated before they arrive in New Zealand.
International recognition agreements: New Zealand has acceded to a number of international agreements committing the parties to recognizing each other’s qualifications in secondary education and higher education.
New Zealand became a signatory to the European region Lisbon Recognition Convention, which is an agreement to improve the recognition of qualifications so students and skilled migrants can move between countries, in 2008. Under the Lisbon Recognition Convention, New Zealand is required to promote a Diploma Supplement (Tertiary Education Qualification Statement) which offers information to international audiences to help them recognize New Zealand qualifications. In addition, as a signatory New Zealand is a member of the ENIC-NARIC network. The ENIC Is the European Network of Information Centres in the European Region. The NARIC is the National Academic Recognition Centre’s network. ENIC-NARIC is a global network of NICs. See here for ENIC-NARIC guidance on recognizing qualifications held by refugees.
New Zealand is a signatory to the Asia-Pacific Regional Convention on the Recognition of Qualifications in Higher Education (the Tokyo Convention). Under this convention, New Zealand facilitates mobility of students, academic staff and skilled migrants from Asia-Pacific nations.
New Zealand also has country-specific qualifications recognition arrangements under Free Trade Agreements with Australia, China, the European Union, Hong Kong, Ireland, Malaysia, Pacific nations, the United Arab Emirates and the United States.
NZQA is the official NEIC for New Zealand, providing information and advice on the New Zealand education system, secondary and tertiary qualifications and recognition of overseas qualifications. NZQA’s NEIC function focusses on helping international audiences understand and recognise qualifications from New Zealand. NZQA as the official NEIC provides information and advice on the New Zealand education system, secondary and tertiary qualifications and recognition of overseas qualifications.
New Zealand Qualifications Authority (NZQA)/ Mana Tohu Mātauranga o Aotearoa
PO Box 160
Wellington 6140
New Zealand
Phone: +64-4-463-3000
Fax: +64-4-463-3112
Contact person: Alison Dittmer Croad, Principal Policy Analyst, Policy and International