Basic Education
Turkish education system is conducted on a central level by the Ministry of National Education (MoNE) .
12 years of compulsory education includes 4-year Primary School (Grades 1 to 4), 4-year Lower Secondary School (Grades 5 to 8) and 4-year Upper Secondary School (Grades 9 to 12). Education is provided both by public and private sector and it is free in all public schools without any reservation. Different modes of learning like face to face learning, open learning, distance learning, etc. are part of Turkish formal education system.
Early Childhood Education (ISCED Level 0)
Early childhood education is formed of two stages, carried out by two different public authorities.
- The Nursery and the Day Care Centres are providing education service for 0-36 months old children and the Ministry of Family, Labour and Social Services is the authoritative body for the Centres , .
- Preschools deliver education services for 36-66 months old children. Ministry of National Education (MoNE) is the responsible public body for preschools , .
Early childhood education is compulsory for children over 36 months old, who are in need of special education and guidance.
Primary Education (ISCED Level 1)
Primary school education is compulsory for children, who are 66 months to 10 years. Duration of the primary education is 4 years, which includes 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th grades.
Lower Secondary Education (ISCED Level 2)
10 to 14 years old students receive education at Lower Secondary Schools in the grades 5th, 6th, 7th and 8th. Lower Secondary Schools are the second stage of 12 years compulsory education.
Upper Secondary Education (ISCED Level 3)
Upper Secondary Education is the final stage for compulsory education. 14 to 18 years old students attend 9th, 10th, 11th and 12th grades of the School. There are various types of Upper Secondary Schools including General High School, Anatolian High School, Science High School, Sports High School, Religious High School, High School of Fine Arts, Technical and Vocational High School, etc. Upper Secondary School diploma/qualification provides access to higher education.
Post-secondary Non-tertiary Education (ISCED Level 4)
Refers to “Technical and Vocational Training”.